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Club Welfare

Accident Procedures & Reporting Forms
Procedure and Reporting Form

ONC Accident Reporting Procedure and form. To be completed by captains in the event of an incident. See procedure for information on how to report an incident.

Risk Assessment Checklist

To be used before all matches. Any issues detected with the court should be reviewed with the umpires and captains.

Travel Consent Form

Please ask parents or carers to complete if you are transporting under 18’s to/from matches. One form can be completed for the whole season.


Child Protection


ONC Welfare Officer

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact ONC's Welfare Officer, CATH GAREL, on 07940 008745 or email to


Role Description

Welfare Officer Role Description


Useful Links related to Child Protection


ChildlineA service provided by the NSPCC for children. No issue is too big or too small.


NSPCCNational Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children


NSPCC - Child Protection in Sport

The Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) is a partnership between the NSPCC, Sport England, Sport Northern Ireland and Sports Wales.


Active Surrey

Safeguarding & Protecting Young People in Surrey


Anti Bullying Alliance 

The Anti-Bullying Alliance is a coalition of organisations and individuals that are united against bullying


England Netball – ENjoy, ENsure, ENtrust

So that anyone at any level can ENjoy this brilliant game, England Netball is ENtrusted with protecting the integrity of the sport and depends on everyone involved in the netball community to ENsure that everyone has a great time.


Safeguarding Young People in Netball Policy

Link to Safeguarding Young People in Netball Policy 2016


England Netball - Safeguarding
 England Netball has developed a Safeguarding Young People in Netball Policy and provides a range of guidance and resources to help safeguard from any risk of harm to young people and to ensure that any vulnerable young people are provided with the best support available. Whether you are a parent/carer, a young person or a Club Safeguarding Officer you will find a section on the ENjoy, ENtrust, ENsure pages of the our website, specific to your needs and links to lots of documents you need.



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