Oxshott Teams
We run four senior teams and play in both the Surrey League and the local Kingston League.
Knockout Cup matches take place intermittently throughout the season within the appropriate divisions.
The netball club’s competitive and social nature sees us take on national tournaments, in-house competitions and numerous social events throughout the season!
For more information on the Kingston league visit www.kdnl.co.uk
For more information on the Surrey league click on www.surreynetballleague.co.uk
For a direct link to the All England website click on www.englandnetball.co.uk
Training is a big part of ONC life and we have great session combining fun, fitness and working on skills and game play. We are coached by qualified coaches who attend both training & matches.
Training takes place outside under floodlights on Wednesday evenings from 7.30 – 9.00 pm from September to the end of April.
Training includes fitness and ball skills, plus game experience. Depending on numbers attending, there may be time spent watching others play. Since we train outside, we suggest warm layers of clothing are worn.